Author Guidelines
The submission is conducted online (not by email). However, for information related to the revision, acceptance, or rejection of a manuscript, are sent through email. Revisions in response to the reviewing of the reviewers must also be returned online.
Please access the http://warta-iski.or.id then select the "REGISTER" menu and proceed by filling the PROFILE columns, available ranging from "user name" to "register as". Do not forget to check the "author" on the option of "register as" in the lower left corner. Subsequently, save the data by clicking the "register" button on the lower left. If you have already registered, please select "click here" at the top left corner, or directly click "LOGIN" button by filling the username and password.
Submitting a manuscript After completing the registration, as an author please submit a manuscript by clicking "NEW SUBMISSION" in the upper right. Subsequently check the five small columns available on the left, and click "SAVE and CONTINUE" at the bottom right. The following step is "UP LOADING THE SUBMISSION" by choosing the file (browsing) and uploading it. Once the upload is complete, please click "SAVE and CONTINUE" at the bottom right. Next, click on the "Entering the Submission's Metadata" and copy and paste the data on the available columns, such as title, abstract, etc. Subsequently click "SAVE and CONTINUE" at the bottom right. Perform the next steps until reaching the "CONFIRMING THE SUBMISSION" step by clicking the "FINISH SUBMISSION" button in the middle right that marks the end of submission.
Guidelines for Authors:
- The manuscript must be original, either a result of field research or conceptual thinking, related to communication problems. The manuscript is not currently under the process of submission to another journal and has never been published in any form.
- The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English, in accordance with the applicable rules of language usage. The manuscript is formatted in A-4 size paper, using a word processing program MS-Word for Windows, with "Times New Roman" 12 font, left aligned, without decoding of words (hard-hyphenation). The length of the manuscript shall be between 5000 to 8500 words. Authors can use the already available Article Template.
- The title of the manuscript is specifically written in the center, not more than 10 words, in not full capital letters. The author's name is placed below the manuscript title, without including any title, followed by the name of affiliation/institution and the institution's official email (ac.id), as follows:
- First Author,
- Second Author, and
- Third Author, etc. 1 Faculty of Communication Studies UPDM (B) Jl. Hang Lekir I/8 Jakarta 12250 2,3Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi UMN Jl. Boulevard Gading Serpong, Tangerang, Banten apen@dsn.moestopo.ac.id ; bepen@umn.ac.id ; cedepen@umn.ac.id
- Abstract is written in English and Indonesian, between 100 to 200 words, with three to five key words.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Framework
3. Material and Methodology
4. Result and Discussion
5. Conclusion,
6. Acknowledgement (if any),
7. References.
Please avoid the use of bullet, numbering other than in paragraph format, as the following example: 1). ...... 2). ...... instead of (1) ….; (2) … The manuscript is written in essay form, without numeric (or alphabetical) format that separates sub-section/part, or to mark new section/part. Conclusions are not specified in points, but rather in the form of paragraphs.
Each citation should mention the document source in complete form and write the reference. Please use Mendeley with APA Style as follows:
book: ... Sterling (2009) mentions that in the whole world there are more than 100 news agencies, the majority of which are national news agencies, which in general are in close connection with each country’s government, in particular in developing countries.
journals: ... Boyd Barrett and Rantanen (2007) also discuss similar condition in news agencies in Europe.
Referencing: References are preferred from those published the last 10 years, with the priorities of national and international journals and publications. References are written in the order of reference as follows:
- Journal: Shima, Hongjin, Kyung Han Youb, Jeong Kyu Leec, Eun Go. (2015). Why do people access news with mobile devices? Exploring the role of suitability perception and motives on mobile news use. Telematics and Informatics. (32) 1, 108-117 (2015).
- Book: Staubhaar, Joseph. Robert La Rose. (2002). Media Now: Communications Media in the Information Age, 3rd ed, Wadsworth.
- Parts of a Book: Boyd-Barrett, Oliver. Terhi Rantanen. Theorizing the news agencies, in Dennis McQuail (ed). (2002). McQuail’s Reader in Mass Communication Theory, SAGE.
- Conference paper (proceedings): Dahlan, M.D. and Tirtosudiro. (2010). A Quality System Based on ISO 9000 Combined with QFD Proceedings: World Innovation & Strategy Conference 1998 Incorporating 4th International Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, 2-5 August, Sydney Australia. 1-8 (2010).
- Internet: Arranged by the order of name (institution), title of article, and URL address, for example: The Bulgarian News Agency (BTA). Fragmenting Markets, Evolving Technologies among Challenges for News Agencies, EANA Conference Reveals. Retrieved on http://www.bta.bg/en/c/DF/id/1064325.
Tables: Tables are numbered (1, 2, and so on) according to its order in the main text. Each table is given a short title, describing its relevance with the main text, on top of the table , written with Bold.
Figures: Each figure, be it in the form of diagrams or photos, can be included and is numbered sequentially (1, 2, etc.). Each figure is given a short title, describing the relevance of its content with the main text, written on the bottom in italics.
Authors are suggested to quote at least one relevant article from the Jurnal Komunikasi of ISKI, as the reference.
Once completed from reviewing process, the manuscript written in Indonesian should be translated into English.
Once the manuscript passed the peer reviewing process and is declared accepted, authors must submit a Declaration of Non-Plagiarism.
Costs: The manuscript that has been published is charged IDR 150,000 (including delivery cost) per exemplar; while for online version, each writer is charged the cost for obtaining Digital Object Identifier (DOI) USD 2.00 per title. The cost of translation into English (should the paper is written in Indonesian) is entirely the responsibility of the author
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

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